No one disputes the plain fact that relationships are hard, especially when there are children involved. Day-to-day life becomes a series of logistical challenges, where one of you is asking the other to pick up this, take the kids there, make that yummy thing for a school party and after all that you’re supposed to find romance?!

Right. Not going to happen. Hopefully, you got through this last Valentine’s Day unscathed. You could plan ahead now to make next year’s special day memorable, or you could make a plain old Saturday special…in June…or September…or once a week forever. If you want to keep your relationship pleasant and rewarding for both of you, it can be done. You just have to be creative and plan ahead. It doesn’t require artistic ability, glue sticks or glitter (though that would be fun too!) and the element of surprise is almost always welcome. Show your partner that you’re thinking about them and you are making an effort to please them, make them happy, and make them feel special. You’ll create something that will also make you happy!
One suggested little surprise, and one that takes into account a limited budget, might be to pick up lunch and go to your partner’s workplace. Whisk them away for 30 minutes to a park where you can eat and maybe take your shoes off and walk in the grass (while holding hands of course). In Germany this could be tough at any time other than summer but you get the idea. An unexpected walk in a beautiful place is the goal! There’s nothing wrong with walking in the snow either! It’s beautiful and usually quiet for your whispering to each other. Near Ramstein you could go to Am Seewog for a walk around this small lake and then have some delicious pizza at the place (Am Seewog Holzofen Pizzeria) right across the street! In the summer months, you can eat outdoors on their deck.
There is a trail around this lake that is beautiful in spring and summer. When you’re both tired, relax on the deck at the restaurant.
With a bigger budget for special occasions, try the Ölmühle Hotel and Restaurant in Landstuhl. You are guaranteed to have a special night when you are dining at this beautiful place instead of grabbing something quick on the way home. Take a couple hours, linger over your wine and your meal. Look into each other’s eyes and really talk.
A weekend event that could require a substantial dollar commitment, would be to make reservations at a hotel/B&B/lodge out of town and don’t tell your partner where you’re going. Most people love surprises but you know your partner and if they don’t, give them substantial hints so they know what kind of clothes to pack, and what kind of activities (generally speaking) are planned. The exact locale could still be a surprise. Speaking for myself, the more surprises, the better! I just need to know if it’s going to be cold or hot there and how long we’ll be gone. The fact that you had the idea all on your own and then saw it through to fruition will be appreciated (almost certainly) and will add a spark to your relationship. Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch is a definite favorite, winter or summer.
Of course, the “go-to” for romantic moments are to be had beside any large body of water…a lake, an ocean, or even a small body of water – poolside. Bostalsee Reservoir is a fantastic place to “play” in the water. Bostalsee is a municipality of Nohfelden in northern Saarland but really only takes about 45 minutes from Kaiserslautern. The length of the lake is about 500 meters so it’s definitely big enough for all kinds of water activities. It even has an amusement park and camping. Camping can be quite romantic but don’t forget the bug spray!
It’s a bit of a drive to the seaside in Belgium but you will be rewarded by beautiful boardwalks along the beachfront to allow you time to spend together. Again, holding hands and smiling at each other might seem like obvious advice but think about how often you actually do that! Laughing together is a guaranteed good evening. Find something to laugh about that happened that day or even just watch some stand-up comedy on Netflix!
There’s a very nice lounge in downtown Kaiserslautern, on the 21st floor of the Rathouse, called 21Twenty One lounge and if you want to stare at each other and out the window to a beautiful view of the city lights, then this is the place. I hear they have a great happy hour.
These are just a few ideas to develop into your own special time with your partner.
Connecting over something other than the details of raising a family is what you want to do. If you don’t connect in some manner or fashion such as the ways described above, it’s going to be a sad day when you have nothing left to talk about except those pesky logistics. Don’t let that happen between you and your sweetheart!
Plan a date… lunch and walking barefoot in the grass, a surprise weekend with/for your partner, or putting on your good clothes for a fantastic dinner out. Something. One doesn’t cost but a few dollars and might even be the BEST choice! The others might cost more but the return on your investment will be worth it. Intimacy, laughter, shared experiences. Make it a priority for your relationship.

Story by Sallee Miller