Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade

Fasching is really fun time of the year in Germany!! The weekend before Lent is filled with parades, music, drinking and merry making while in colorful costume. Streets are filled with people dressed from anything from clowns to zebras! Not all Fasching events are kid-friendly, but luckily Wiesbaden has a day dedicated to bringing some Fasching fun to children as well!

Main Parade vs Children’s Parade

Wiesbaden holds the parade for children a day before the main Fasching event each year during the first week of February. I went to the main parade with my daughter for the past couple of years.

The main parade can get a bit rowdy, especially with everyone already drinking! I also ended up putting my daughter on my shoulders so she could see and that she didn’t get knocked over when people were running for treats being thrown. Figuring that kids would have much more fun, this year I took my Barbie Superhero to the Wiesbaden Children’s Parade instead!

0151 Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

Perfect for Children

The Children’s Parade was perfect in every way for kids! Held on the main pedestrian street, children could get very close to the edge of the parade as there were no big floats or trucks. Not being too long and with no long breaks between the groups, little ones’ attention could be kept for much longer. At the event we got a spot at the start of the parade route, and to our surprise the parade started off with a big dragon!

0158 green dragon float Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

The parade had great bands! Since the crowd was so close to the musicians, fest goers could really feel the energy! All musicians were of course dressed up which made it even more fun!

0162 blue drummer Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

Wearing their best uniforms, dance teams came out and showed their stuff.

0169 girls in red Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

Of course there is always candy, and plenty of it, at all Fasching parades! What was so great about this parade was that kids were giving out the candy. I think this makes it extra special for the kids in the crowd. This sweet little girl really liked my daughter’s costume so much that she brought her over a treat!

0188 little girl in red Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

You can really catch the most random items at the parade. For example, we thought it was really funny when we got a sponge!!

0170 daughter smiling Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

Even though this was the Children’s Parade, the participants really went all out with the costumes and amazing music!! I was so impressed!

0179 tubba man Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma
0184 women in purple Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

The American football team, the Wiesbaden Phantoms, made an appearance as they gave out their season schedule.

0204 American football kids Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

My favorite part of the parade was the Hessen Lion band, especially the drums!

0213 lion head drummers Gemma Wiesbaden Children’s Fasching Parade
© Gemma

After the parade we went to a wonderful café right behind where we were standing called Bastians. I love this café for its yummy soups, great coffee and huge bakery selection!

If you are considering celebrating Fasching next year with the locals and you have little ones, I highly suggest to mark your calendar for the Wiesbaden Children’s Parade. You will surely have a blast, and don’t forget to bring a bag for all of that candy!

Author’s Profile: Gemma is a mom, a veteran and an Army civilian living in Wiesbaden, Germany. With New Jersey roots, she is enjoying her extended European vacation.

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Gemma