The Medieval Burg Trifels

Since summer arrived, I am always searching for day trips that we can take on the Harley. A very simple and quick day trip is a reconstructed medieval castle near the small town of Annweiler. Burg Trifels (in English Trifels Castle) is on the peak of Sonnenberg and has gradually been restored since the 19th century. This castle was one of the favorites of Emperor Barbarossa.

Links to the Holy Grail

Burg Trifels Photo 1
© Cheryl Koller

As I have said before, I remember very little from my history classes, but even I know Richard the Lionheart. It is said that he was captured and held captive at Burg Trifels from 1193-1194. It is also rumored that the treasure room once held the Holy Grail.

Natural Burial Ground

Burg Trifels Photo 2
© Cheryl Koller

We actually got lost on our way to the castle and ended up stopping to have a picnic in a park nearby. This was a cool little find ~ it is a memorial park (burial ground). The trees and rocks bear the names of the loved ones who are buried in urns below.

According to the signs, this inter-regional, natural burial ground offers a wide variety of “natural” locations for an urn grave (such as trees or sandstone boulders) and then grave maintenance is taken care of by nature. I am not entirely sure what this means, but it was peaceful and seemed like an interesting concept. We could see the castle from here and it took just a few moments for our GPS to tell us our next move.

Restaurant and Souvenirs

Burg Trifels Photo 2a
© Cheryl Koller

We continued our drive to the castle and followed the signs, although they are few and far between. If you continue to follow Trifelstrasse you will literally run into the parking lot. There is a restaurant and bathrooms near the parking lot and a vendor selling souvenirs, snacks and drinks. You might want to grab a water here before you head up to the castle if you didn’t bring your own.

Burg Trifels Photo 3
© Cheryl Koller

I understood that we would be walking, but I didn’t understand that it would be more of an uphill hike. It’s pretty steep in places and it takes about 15 minutes of switchbacks to get to the castle so be prepared.

When you see the arch, you know you’re almost there!

Burg Trifels Photo 4
© Cheryl Koller

Once you get to the top and before you tour the inside, do yourself a favor and take in the view.

Burg Trifels Photo 4a
© Cheryl Koller

Inside, you will see replicas of Knights…and even have an opportunity to play dress up!

Burg Trifels Photo 5
© Cheryl Koller
Burg Trifels Photo 6
© Cheryl Koller

There is also a great display of the Imperial Regalia (crown jewels).

Burg Trifels Photo 7
© Cheryl Koller

The tour is self-guided and takes less than an hour. The cost is 3 Euro for adults, 1.50 Euro for kids up to 14. The castle address and telephone are as followed:

Address: K2
76829 Annweiler am Trifels
Telehone: +49 (0) 6346 8470

How to Get There

 Burg Trifels is located approximately 1 hour southeast of Kaiserslautern, 1 hour and 40 minutes south of Wiesbaden and 1 hour and 40 minutes northwest of Stuttgart.

Author’s Profile: Cheryl Koller is a native of Georgia. She is a DOD spouse, mom of 4 daughters (2 adults, 2 teens), thrill-seeker, avid traveler, and lover of food and wine. She is a self-proclaimed Freedom-Preneur and Blogger currently living in Ramstein with her family.

Featured Image Photo Credit: © Cheryl Koller