The New Shopping Mall – K in Lautern

Many of us in the Kaiserslautern area have been anxiously awaiting the opening of the new mall K in Lautern. With a Tuesday afternoon to myself and nowhere to be, I decided to take a drive downtown to check out the mall for some retail therapy.

My timing could have been better. The particular Tuesday that I picked was in the middle of spring break and it seemed that everyone and their mother was downtown. I had remembered my purse, wallet and scarf, but I forgot to bring my patience pants. This proved to be a critical error.

ParkingK Lautern parking sign
While the mall has a large attached parking structure, it was full when I went. There are plenty of other parking garages in the area that usually have space if you’re willing to walk. Signs near the K in Lautern parking garage will also show you the availability in other garages nearby. Don’t do what I did and wait in line for cars to exit (while cursing under your breath). Your time is better spent walking.

Diningcoffee and gelato k in lautern
Not surprisingly, the inside of the mall was crowded. Lacking the aforementioned patience pants, I skipped the food court entirely and instead ate dessert at Eiscafe La Luna. My cappuccino, like all hot drinks served here, came with a tiny gelato. It was the tiniest taste of heaven, and in combination with the cinnamon waffle, gave me the nerve I needed to get on with my shopping.

ShopsK Lautern shopping with bags
Most of the retailers are familiar chains including TK Maxx, C&A and Primark. For the list of the 100 stores, visit this website. I spent the most time in TK Maxx and walked out with a picture frame and three throw pillows for my husband to later critique. New to me was The Cookery; a jewelry making store with every bead you can imagine. I saw several young girls enjoying their afternoon making necklaces. I would definitely recommend for those looking for a rainy day activity.

How to Get There
K in Lautern is located in downtown Kaiserslautern on Fruchthallstraße. It’s about a 10 minute walk from the Kaiserslautern Hauptbanhof. For those traveling, the mall is one hour southwest of Wiesbaden and two hours northwest of Stuttgart. Go to DB Bahn for train details.

Author Profile: Kelly is a DOD wife, devoted dog-mom, a mediocre cook, a whiskey connoisseur and an avid traveler who’s exploring the Kaiserslautern area with dog and husband in tow.