In the Palatinate wine country is the small town Gimmeldingen, a place where over 2,500 blossoming Almond trees are celebrated with a fest. Gimmeldingen will host its annual 2018 Almond Blossom Feast and Festival either during the third or fourth weekend of March.

The FestivalGimmeldingen (1) Almond

If you are interested in attending, check out their website. The fest traditionally begins on a Saturday (2 p.m.) on the steps of the town’s St. Nicholas Chapel followed by live music by the band Private Place and a coronation of the princesses who usher in spring. It closes with a feast and more live music in the vineyards and orchards surrounding this picturesque town on Sunday.Crowned Princess (1) almond

Similar to our Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC, this area of Germany is proud to celebrate the first signs of spring with white and pink blossoms that are fragrant as well as beautiful.

Her Highness– Almond Blossom Queen

Gimmeldingen has celebrated its festival with the coronation of a new Queen since 1950. On the first of March Alessa Leydecker was crowned the 2015 Queen of the Almond Blossom Fest. The coronation took place on a bright spring day at the greenhouse and garden store Nursery Schupp in Neustadt, which is located only a few minutes away. For the gardeners out there, you will want to include this store on your destination to stock up for spring.

Guided Tours

A week before and a week following the festival, there are guided tours available. The tour includes a small hike and a look-out point that even King Ludwig I enjoyed. The tour finishes in the King’s pavilion with a nice glass of wine. Not bad for 5 Euros. To sign up or if you are interested in going in a group, please call mobile number 0151 4453 4147 or send an email to

How to Get ThereGimmeldingen (9) Almond

Gimmeldingen is less than one hour east of Kaiserslautern, one hour and thirty minutes northwest of Stuttgart and approximately one hour and 15 minutes south of Wiesbaden.

Take advantage of the wonderful public transporation system in Deutschland. You may travel through parts of Germany that are wonderful, like Bruchsal which will host its upcoming Spargel Fest in April. Stay tuned for an article on the Spargel Fest! For train information, click on DB Bahn.

Author’s Profile: Wendy is a military spouse and lives with her family in Stuttgart, Germany. She is a freelance writer, blogger and photographer. She also enjoys gardening, hiking, yoga and sharing Europe with people.