Farmer’s Market and Croatian Food in Mainz

Recently, I had to pick up my husband from Frankfurt International Airport on a Friday at lunchtime. This is important because it led us to discover a really fun detour! We decided to stop over in Mainz for lunch for several reasons. We had not seen each other in two weeks and then we thought this would be a great afternoon date. Since we had never actually been to Mainz , we   wanted to check out the city.

What we didn’t know is that on Fridays (and we’re told on Tuesdays and Saturdays as well) there is a great Farmer’s Market. The Mainz Market takes place where it always has- in the very heart of the city next to the St. Martin’s Cathedral.

Farmer’s MarketFarmer's Market Picture 1

The streets are filled with stands selling seasonal vegetables, fruits, flowers, fresh baked bread, cheeses, meats, fresh eggs, nuts, fish, honey, wines…I could go on and on. On Saturdays as the days get warmer, the Mainzer Winzer stands set up by the Mainz Cathedral as well. These stands are for the local winemakers to sell wine, beer and sekt by the glass or bottle. This was good news to me. Well truthfully, it is always good news to me anytime I find out they are selling wine by the glass and allowing you to walk around with it as you shop.

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Oh and just in time for Easter, there is a Laying Hen and some colored eggs!
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Croatian Restaurant

The farmer’s market was not the only thing we happily discovered. My husband and I have a special love for Croatia and Croatian food, specifically the grilled calamari. We have been to Croatia and love to visit a local place called the Safari Bar, which serves up some of the best grilled calamari and sangrias we’ve ever experienced.

Farmer's Market Picture 7So when we were walking through the market and saw a sign that read Stadtbalkon Croatian Restaurant and Bar, we were giddy with anticipation. We were NOT disappointed. The calamari was spot on, delicious flavor and tender. Score! We rounded off our meal with some Croatian wine.

Farmer’s Market and MoreFarmer's Market Cover Photo

After lunch we took another stroll through the market. We ended up purchasing some local honey, which I am drinking in my Green Tea as I type. There is plenty of shopping in Mainz as well. Around the market you will find textile stores, specialty shops and outdoor cafes with a view of the Cathedral.

So if you love picking up a glass of wine and wandering the market for bread, cheese, prosciutto and olives while soaking up the sun and taking in the scenery…you will definitely want to take a couple of hours and spend them in Mainz. The market hours are Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. The address is: Markt 10, Mainz, Germany 55116.

How to Get There

Mainz is under 30 minutes south of Wiesbaden, under 1 hour north of Kaiserslautern and approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes north of Stuttgart. Click on DB Bahn for train information.

Author’s Profile: Cheryl Koller is a native of Georgia. She is a DOD spouse, mom of 4 daughters (2 adults and 2 teens), thrill-seeker, avid traveler, and lover of food and wine. She is a self-proclaimed Freedom-Prenuer and Blogger currently living in Ramstein with her family.