Dine like a King on Christmas Leftovers

After Christmas, many of us have to deal with a mountain of dirty dishes and a fridge that’s fit to bursting with leftovers in all sizes and shapes of containers. This annual event need not inspire groans of “not leftovers again” from the family members around you, there is so much that can be done!

With the likes of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, roast beef and cranberry sauce all sitting in the fridge or freezer, you will be able to make use of your Christmas leftovers to make tasty sandwiches or easy-to-cook comfort food that everyone will love.

Just because Christmas Day has come and gone, it doesn’t mean the wholesome good food that comes with it need go to waste. Check out some recipes for delicious dishes that can make the cold and crisp days after Christmas much, much more merry.

Christmas Leftovers Pie

Christmas Leftovers

As a delicious solution to Christmas season leftovers that doesn’t require a huge amount of effort, a Christmas leftovers pie is sure to warm you up as you nibble on it during a family meal.

Collect a whole selection of sliced meats (such as the turkey and ham), as well as any vegetables you may have lying around. A sprig of thyme, some salt and pepper, mushrooms and sage leaves can also add additional flavour to the pie. Combine these ingredients together with roux (made from melted butter mixed with flour), 1oz of butter and 1oz of plain flour for your filling. Place these all into an oven-proof dish. Top with puff pastry and glaze with some beaten egg or top with mashed potatoes. Put the dish into a preheated oven for 30-minutes and voila. You’ll have a steaming hot Christmas leftover pie that’ll keep winter’s chill far from your table.

Turkey Stirfry


As the staple with which most people celebrate Christmas, turkey is often one of the key leftovers from a feast. While turkey and mayonnaise sandwiches are a favourite post-Christmas snack, there are other way to dress up a turkey dish.

Strip the turkey carcass and combine all the turkey leftovers for a Turkey Stirfry. Gently fry one chopped onion in hot olive oil before throwing in the turkey in small strips for five minutes. Squeeze lemon juice over the mixture before adding vegetables such as carrots, mange touts, baby sweetcorn and any others you may have leftover. Serves with two minute egg noodles, if you wish, and enjoy a healthy stir fry that’s ready in a matter of minutes.

Bubble & Squeak Pancakes


Bubble and Squeak (or mashed potatoes and sprouts) leftovers can be made into pancakes, as a yummy addition to any plate of leftovers. This is a very British tradition when served for breakfast alongside brown sauce (similar to A1 sauce).

Put the leftover mashed potato and sprouts into a bowl and stir. Add cooked onion, pepper, herbs and eggs, and mix well. Place one tablespoon of oil into a pan on a medium heat and fry spoonfuls of the Bubble and Squeak mixture. Turn them once, and cook for about ten minutes or until they’re lightly browned. Serve alongside other leftovers, as a revamped version of a Christmas classic.

There are many things that you can do with your Christmas leftovers. At such a special time, no food need go to waste. If you can’t use the leftovers in the days followed Christmas, you can freeze them to extend their lifespan. As long as you have a little time and lots of imagination, you’ll be able to use all of your leftovers in a creative and tasty way!

Author Profile:
Robyn is the creative content manager for Big Roast, London’s original spit and hog roast company. She writes articles and information for their customers, and handles their social profile. Her Google+ profile contains relevant information on her other writing.